Lift the Cuba Travel Ban

By Yadira Escobar on

viajes a cuba
En las ultimas semanas siguen visitando a Cuba norteamericanos bajo licencia menos estricta, pero todavía no es una opción para viajeros que tengan el ánimo turístico. Este domingo el diario The New York Times pidió en un editorial que Washington levante su prohibición sobre los viajes de estadounidenses a Cuba anunciando que “nunca tuvo sentido”.

Por supuesto, Jartum, Teherán, Damasco y Pyongyang no son destinos turísticos muy populares, pero son destinos que los estadounidenses pueden visitar sin violar la ley federal. Sin embargo, viajar a Cuba como turista sigue estando prohibido. Llegar allí por fines autorizados, sigue siendo innecesariamente complicado y costoso”, señaló el periodico.

Unos consejos para quienes visitan Cuba, son oportunos y por tal motivo hice este pequeño vídeo, que de paso me permitió probar una micrófono de cable en situaciones de viento moderado y al parecer ofrecio resultados satisfactorios.

To my English-speaking readers I must confess that ever since the early days of this blog I’ve sustained the debate between English and Spanish articles and to this day the question still remains. Naturally it would be infinitely easier and far-reaching since the broader audience prefers English but on the other hand my readers in Cuba would not like that sudden and apparently unjustified shift so in the meanwhile Ill stick to the most reasonable policy yet : if internet connection in Cuba is slower it makes sense then to stick to easily downloadable Spanish text and reserve the English bits to videos.

Concerning the video, it was just some random advice that I thought might be useful for someone traveling from the United States to Cuba. Ive been there myself in the early days and found not a single video on the web and while its not a deep study of Cuban society of serious anthropological value or whatever, I certainly hope it provides someone at least with the correct feel and general instinct that’s necessary when hitting the island. One thing is for sure, as the country continues to adjust and reform, my criteria will keep on evolving so an updated video #2 should be expected sometime around next year. Till then, save up on those frequent flyer miles!



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